Thursday, December 8, 2011

Scarf from an Old T-Shirt

I loved this red t-shirt.  It was well worn and super soft, and even though the neck line was pretty stretched out, I wore it all the time.  And then I got navy blue paint all across the front.  It was completely ruined.
So I used this as an opportunity to make a brand new scarf.  :)

I simply cut the shirt into strips, starting from the bottom (I removed the bottom hem first.)  Then I cut one side seam out of each of these strips turning the t-shirt loops into long strips and stretched the strips out slowly.  As you do this, the fabric rolls up on itself.  I split what I had equally and braided the fabric loosely, tying off with a shorter extra strip.
Now my nice soft shirt is an equally soft and comfy scarf.

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